School trips

Enjoy the best school trip with us!


Enjoy the best school trip with us!

Are you planning an unforgettable trip with your school, class, special interest group, club or group of trippers? Would you like to discover the beauty of the Ještěd Ridge and its surroundings? Then come to us at the Ještěd Ski Resort and enjoy a great day full of adventure and experiences! 

Not only do we offer you a unique opportunity to ride the cable car and enjoy the magnificent view of the surrounding landscape, but also endless hiking opportunities. Join us on fun hikes and discover the secrets of the surrounding forests and mountains. Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience a day full of fun, adventure and beautiful views. You won't be bored with our offer!



EXTRAORDINARY RIDING = riding on a day when the cableway is not scheduled to operate for the public. *Minimum number of people to qualify for the discount is 20. Operation in June: Friday to Sunday.

As every year, we have prepared a special price offer for groups of at least 20 children aged 6 to 15 years with a companion for free (max. 2 persons excluding the lunch MENU at the Ještěd transmitter).

To provide an extra ride for your group outside of our operation, we are able to arrange a ride at an extraordinary price of 2.500,-. During operating hours I am able to provide a discount on the fare for your group. If you are interested, simply fill out the form and email for approval. You will hand in the approved form at the ticket office when you pick up your Tickets. Your tickets will be loaded onto a chip card with a repeat pass. The card is backed up with a deposit of 200 CZK. When returning the chip card and collecting the deposit, it will also be checked to see if it matches the reported and actual number of passes used. Alternatively, you will be escorted to the turnstiles by a member of staff from the information centre so that we do not restrict your plans.


  • SKALKA chairlift - The Skalka chairlift will take you safely to the Jested Ridge in a few minutes. Enjoy a peaceful ride in the fresh air and beautiful views of the countryside.  From here, continue on one of the marked circuits. 
  • TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING - In case of bus transport, park conveniently at the P1 central car park (200 CZK/day) or use the Liberec public transport and take tram line 3 to the Horní Hanychov terminus. The building of the information centre and the Skalka cable car boarding station is overlooking the parking lot and the tram stop.
  • CONTACT - if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our information centre ( / +420 737 222 499), we will be happy to help you.



"Become a jumper from the Ještěd ski jumps for a while "

The ski jumps under Ještěd were created in the second half of the 1970s. Currently, the large (K120) and small (K90) ski jumps are in operation. The whole area was reconstructed to its present form before the World Ski Championships in 2009.

Come with us to places that the average visitor will not see and experience the view of not only the ski jumping area, but also the surrounding area. Do you want to learn more about the ski jumps? Book a tour with us and enjoy a great school trip!





Vydejte se s námi na místa, která běžný návštěvník neuvidí a prohlédněte si vnitřek lanovky ORLEN line Skalka. Chcete se o lanovce dozvědět více? Sjednejte si u nás exkurzi a užijte si skvělý školní výlet!

Objednávky provádějte předem cca 14 dní, abychom Vám potvrdili volnou kapacitu. Objednávejte E- mail: 

Návštěvní řád

Prohlídka technického zázemí lanovky ORLEN line Skalka

Stezka Ještědských pověstí - 3 km

  • Představujeme vám novou naučnou stezku, která vás provede fascinujícím světem ještědských pověstí.
  • Tato stezka nabízí nejen vhodnou trasu pro děti po překrásných ještědských horách, ale také možnost se seznámit s místními pověstmi a legendami.
  • Naučná stezka je vhodná pro rodiny s dětmi, kteří rádi objevují nové věci a chtějí si užít spoustu zábavy!

Sklářská stezka LASVIT - 2,8 km

LASVIT Glassmaking Trail (2.8 km)

The easiest nature trail starting at the Skalka ropeway. It will take you through the history of glass production in the Jested region and introduce you to the philosophy of the LASVIT brand, which is the absolute world leader in this field. After successful completion, reward yourself with a glass cube from the LASVIT production in the information centre.

Route: lower station of the Skalka cable car -> upper station of the Skalka cable car -> ridge path to Černý vrch -> Ještědka parking lot -> Ještěd transmitter -> you can return by the same route or return on foot along one of the marked routes

"Millers' Trail" (Perner Mill) - 2.3 km
moderately difficult trail

It introduces you to the secrets and history of local flour production, which dates back to 1420. It also introduces you to the products of the Perner Mill, which is one of the most modern flour mills in the Czech Republic today

Route: lower station of the Skalka cable car -> upper station of the Skalka cable car -> along the ridge path to Černý vrch -> along the Skalka and Liberecká slopes -> around the ski jumping area -> along the Beranova path back to the information centre
after successful completion, reward yourself at the info centre with a packet of Pernerka flour and bake something good at home!

JEŠTĚD Fotopoint - take an original class photo in the JEŠTĚD Fotopoint at the exit of the Skalka cable car.

Mlynářská stezka (Mlýn Perner) - 2,3 km

  • středně náročná stezka
  • zasvětí vás do tajů a historie lokální výroby mouky, která sahá až do roku 1420. Seznámí vás také s produkty Mlýnu Perner, který dnes patří k nejmoderněji vybaveným mlýnům mouky v Česku
  • dolní stanice lanovky Skalka -> horní stanice lanovky Skalka -> hřebenovou cestou na Černý vrch -> po sjezdovkách Skalka a Liberecká -> kolem skokanského areálu -> Beranovou cestou zpět k infocentru
  • po úspěšném absolvování se v infocentru odměňte balením mouky Pernerky a upečte si doma něco dobrého!

Come travel through time with us:

✅On Saturday 1. 2. we are opening the 4a Traverse slope!